
product and market


innovation technology


腐蚀失控 / Corrosion Runaway

防腐是材料最基本也是最重要的性能要求,产品具有耐盐 雾及耐循环交变的优秀表现。
Corrosion prevention is the most basic and most important perfor ance requirements of materials, products have excellent perfor- ance of salt spray resistance and cyclic resistance.


电失控 / Electrical Runaway

新型绝缘材料具有薄膜厚高耐压的特点,优异的附着力确 保涂覆物使用过程中的安全。
The new insulating material has the characleristics of thick film anhigh voltage resistance, and the excellent adheslon ensures thsafety of the coating during use.


光失控 / Light Runaway

卓越的耐候性能,能够挑战极端的外部环境,让失光、粉 化等问题迎刃而解。
xcellent weather resistance, can challenge the extreme external environment,so that the loss oflight,powder and other problems are solved.


热失控 / Herma Runaway

具有较好的阻燃性能,膨胀型热失控隔热防火材料,大大 降低卤阻燃剂的用量。
with good flame retardant performance, expansion type therma runaway insulation fre-proof material,greatly reduce the amount of halogen fame retardant.